Hatsune Miku puzzle game for GBC!

If there's one thing I know about Hatsune Miku, it's that she can do anything she wants.

After successful stints as a virtual pop idol, a race car team mascot, a tourism spokeswoman, and many many more odd jobs, she onto the next big challenge: bomb defusal specialist. As a member of the top secret Munitions Intervention Knowledge Unit (M.I.K.U.) she's ready to teach you the finer points of the job as well.

Introducing Hatsune Miku Bomb Squad for the Game Boy Color.

After the fun I had building Karpe Diem: Pokemon Fishing, I knew I wanted to stay in GB Studio for my next project in order to continue to build my skills with the engine. Hatsune Miku Bomb Squad came together in about a week and a half, working most evenings for a few hours after my day job being a Product Manager for casual games. It was with this title that I pushed myself to refine my approach to GB Studio, leveraging the reusable script as well at other techniques like tile swapping.

The game itself is based off a daily puzzle from Neopets called Mysterious Negg Cave which I have enjoyed for years and have repurposed before for my D&D campaigns. To facilitate players who don't have years of Neopets experience I sought out to create a series of tutorials for the game which teach players the basics through puzzles with ramp up in complexity as the game progresses. All in all, the release version of Hatsune Miku Bomb Squad includes 25 puzzles.

For this game I also wanted to bring in the music of Hatsune Miku, which proved to be a challenge in its own right. While there's numerous resources to leverage for a game built for modern devices, there's not much of an online repository for music compatible with GB Studio. To solve this problem I used midi compositions of her songs which were available online, and manually transcribed them over into the GB Studio music editor. This proved to be painstaking as all the available midi files used many more than 4 channels, so I had to pick a choose how to narrow them down to still convey the main melody of the song.

With this game now in the release column, I feel so pumped about the outcome. I think of all the games I have created in both GB Studio and Godot, this may be my more refined one yet. I'm looking forward to seeing how I can continue to build upon this with further GB Studio projects, though I will likely take a short break before diving in again to avoid burning out.

Whether you play in the web browser or download the ROM, I hope you enjoy the game. As always please feel welcome to leave any feedback or suggestions for the future.


Hatsune Miku Bomb Squad v1.2 [GBC ROM] 512 kB
42 days ago

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